Merging HDR Images¶
Run rawhdr from the command line. To merge three Nikon NEF files, run for example:
rawhdr hdr-merge --output result.exr base.NEF under-exposed.NEF over-exposed.NEF
Any RAW file format known by the rawpy library is supported as input. Any HDR file format knwon by imageio is supported as output.
The exposure of the generated HDR image alway matches the first given RAW image.
For further command line parameters, see rawhdr hdr-merge --help
But in many cases the default parameters should work reasonably well.
Focus Stacking¶
Focus-stacking works similar to HDR merging:
rawhdr focus-stack --output result.exr image-1.NEF image-2.NEF image-3.NEF …
For further command line parameters, see rawhdr focus-stack --help
But in many cases the default parameters should work reasonably well.