Python API / Operators

bpy.ops.snowflake.create(rho=0.635, random_rho=False, beta=1.6, random_beta=False, theta=0.025, random_theta=False, kappa=0.005, random_kappa=False, mu=0.015, random_mu=False, gamma=0.0005, random_gamma=False, sigma=0.0, random_sigma=False, delta_rho=0.0, random_delta_rho=False, thickness=0.01, scale=0.01, steps=10, export_animation=False, animation_filepath='//snowflake.usd', apply_animation=True, steps_per_frame=1)

Create a new snowflake with the given parameters and grow it (if steps > 0). For a description of the parameters, see the documentation of Parameters.

The arguments random_* define if the respective parameter should be randomized.


Grow the currently selected snowflake by the given amount of steps.

bpy.ops.snowflake.randomize(rho=True, beta=True, alpha=True, theta=True, kappa=True, mu=True, gamma=True, sigma=False, delta_rho=False)

Randomize the parameters of the currently selected snowflake. Note that sigma and delta_rho are not randomized by default.